Ogni tanto viene la voglia di spaccare la faccia a qualcuno. Il tempo e le occasioni per mettersi a ragionare diventano sempre più rare e fuori moda. Per tutta risposta, ognuno identifica un nemico da distruggere, responsabile di tutto ciò che gli capita di male. Fin qui niente di strano. Ma quando si possiede un'ironia affilata e uno humour caustico, unito ad un atteggiamento "piedi per terra", può capitare di esprimere un'atteggiamento più "inusuale".
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Beccatevi il video all'angolo, mentre preparo una bella email a chi sapete bene......
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Type 0-Negative - We hate everyone
Right wing commies.
Leftist Nazis.
Point their fingers.
Rumours linger.
We don't care what you think.
Branded sexist.
Labelled racist.
Want it clearer?
Check the mirror.
We don't care what you think.
Lies and slander in vain try to shame us.
Riots, protests, violence just makes us famous.
TV interviews, free publicity.
Increase record sales dramatically
The left they say I'm a facist.
The right calling me a communist.
Hate hate hate hatred for all - one and all.
No matter what you believe.
Don't believe in you - and that's true.
Some would say that we're biased.
Accusations that we are racist.
Well, shit comes in all hues.
Now this means you.
Cause things ain't always like they seem.
Like they seem.
We hate everyone.
We don't care what you think.
Leftist Nazis.
Point their fingers.
Rumours linger.
We don't care what you think.
Branded sexist.
Labelled racist.
Want it clearer?
Check the mirror.
We don't care what you think.
Lies and slander in vain try to shame us.
Riots, protests, violence just makes us famous.
TV interviews, free publicity.
Increase record sales dramatically
The left they say I'm a facist.
The right calling me a communist.
Hate hate hate hatred for all - one and all.
No matter what you believe.
Don't believe in you - and that's true.
Some would say that we're biased.
Accusations that we are racist.
Well, shit comes in all hues.
Now this means you.
Cause things ain't always like they seem.
Like they seem.
We hate everyone.
We don't care what you think.

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